How To Remove Stains From A Wedding Dress?

Keywords: Stain Remove From Wedding Dress

Published On: Wed Oct 16 2024

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A wedding dress is one of the most beautiful attire a woman will ever come across in her lifetime and this is a lifetime experience. As any item associated with one of the most valuable events in one’s life, it should be preserved and kept as perfect as possible. But sometimes things do not go as planned and stains can show up on your dress. From lipstick stains, and dirt, to that occasional drop of wine, there is always a way how to clean them effectively. Now let us delve into all the ways and techniques of how to remove different types of stains from your wedding dress.

1. Makeup Stains

As for the makeup stains, they are pretty frequent on the neckline and the arms of the wedding dress. Due to various forms of makeup, it becomes rather difficult to eradicate these spots. Most of the time makeup stains have irregular stained appearance or patches of color. This can happen because of lipstick and powder and even foundation and even eyeshadow. To get rid of the makeup, gently use a cotton ball or makeup remover wipe and soak in makeup remover or baby powder. No need to scratch the spot because it might worsen the situation. Gently dab the spot.

To remove powder-type makeup stains sticky tape or a hairdryer can be used. Dishwashing detergents and lemon-scented mixers are also effective in removing stains from garments. If the colorful stains do not come out, you should get help from a professional dry cleaning service.

2. Dirt or Mud Stains

Outfits and dresses are likely to get soiled with dirt and mud especially if the wedding day involves so many outdoor activities. Whether you are strolling through gardens or preparing for a photo session outdoors, the possibility to stumble upon a flower or a puddle appears, and the first thing that will touch your skirt or dress is the ground. To wash off the stains it should be washed and dried, the dried mud then should be removed as much as possible by using soft brush. Then damp the material with water and blot it with a clean cloth (white towel) to remove as much stain as possible. If the stain is a solid one, then try to take the dull edge of something and try puffing off the mud.

3. Grass Stains

Grass stains are quite challenging to remove due to pigments found in the grass. Grass sticks well to fabrics and that is why removing such stains is quite difficult. As for the grass stains, it is quite challenging to wash them off the clothes, but instead, one can use baby chalk or baby powder to conceal the stain. This type of stain could damage or stretch out the garment shape if you try to remove the stain on your own. It would be better if you take it to a professional dry cleaner to remove the grass stains.

4. Red Wine Stains

Red wine stains are a nightmare for any bride, but quick action can prevent them from getting worse. Immediately take a white towel, instead of rubbing try to dab the stain-affected area gently with that towel so that it could absorb as much wine as it can. Then make a solution using one part of clear dish soap with three parts of warm water and wash it. Until the red wine stain is removed completely you can use baby powder or white chalk to cover the stain.

5. Oil or Grease Stains

Food spills involve greasy substances such as oil while the other type of stain may result from accidental spilling of greasy substances.  These stains often cause dark, slightly shiny spots on the fabric. Use cornstarch or baby powder to the stain affected area quickly. Keep it for 15 minutes and then Brush off the affected area. Isopropyl alcohol (or vodka) can also be used. Soak a cotton swab in isopropyl alcohol (or vodka) and dab it on the stain. Then hang the dress in a well-ventilated area for drying.

Make a mixer using one part of vinegar and one part of dish soap then take a cotton swap/Q-tip soak it in the solution and apply it to the affected area. Then wash the stain-affected area with lukewarm water.

6. Protein-Based Stains

Protein-based stains include blood, sweat, and other bodily fluids. These stains are typically organic and difficult to remove if not treated properly. Quickly take a clean white cloth and use it to dab the protein-based stain affected area. Use saliva which contains enzymes that can easily remove blood stains. If there are any stains left after drying use baby powder to hide the remaining stains. Use hydrogen peroxide with water and apply it to the stain it will effectively remove the remaining stains.

7. Pollen Stains

Pollen from flowers can leave a bright yellow stain on your dress. Pollen stains are tricky because they can spread easily if not handled correctly. Use sticky tape to remove the pollen. Try not to rub the pollen because rubbing will push it deeper into the fabric. It could damage the fabric. If there is any remaining stain because of pollen then use cornstarch, baby powder, or baking soda to cover the stain-affected area.

8. Lipstick Stains

Lipstick stains are notorious for their bright colors and oily bases. Lipstick contains both pigments and oils, making it double challenging. Lipstick stains need to be treated quickly because if it is too late it would be impossible to remove the stain.Try to wipe the stain-affected area with soap and water. Rubbing alcohol can be used. Use a cloth soak it into rubbing alcohol and dab the stain. 

9. Deodorant Stains

Deodorant stains can sometimes show up as white, or sometimes appear yellow in color after a period of time. White marks are immediate while yellow-brown stains occur sometimes due to the chemical reaction between the deodorant and the sweat. Use baking soda solution. Mix baking soda with water and apply it to the stain and keep it for 30 minutes then wash it. Soak in white vinegar. Make a solution using equal parts white vinegar and water and soak the dress into the solution then wash it. You can also use baby wipes to wipe out the stain on your dress.

10. Mascara Stains

Since mascara is dark-colored, the stains left behind are easily noticeable and difficult to remove. These stains are usually black or dark brown color stains and are often smeared. Use a Q-tip dip it into the eye makeup remover and gently dab the stain-affected area with a light touch. A dish shop can be applied to remove this type of stain.

11. Coffee Stains

While having a coffee it’s easy for an accidental spill to happen. Coffee stains are common and can be tough to remove if not treated immediately. Immediately use a clean cloth and blot the stain with it so that it can absorb as much coffee as possible. White vinegar or baking soda mixed with baking soda can effectively this type of stain. 

12. Ink Stains

This type of stain can result from ink-based pens, is usually dark-set, and is difficult to accomplish. Ballpoint, fine liner or fountain pen ink, and marker stains all pose a slightly different challenge. Dab the stain with a cloth soaked in rubbing alcohol, then wash it with cold water. Hairspray can be effective. Use hairspray and spray the stain. Keep it for a few minutes then blot it with a clean cloth. Blotting the affected area with nail polish remover. Keep it for a few minutes and then wash it. Make a solution using vinegar and cornstarch and apply it to the stain keep it for a few minutes drying and then wash it.

If these processes seem too hard for you then you can take our professional laundry service. We will collect your dress from your doorstep, clean it with proper care, and deliver it back to you. 

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